A pub at Charlton Down?

Posted on Wednesday, March 11, 2009, under , , ,

Many of the residents would agree that one of the things missing in the village of Charlton Down is a Pub. During the development of the village Bellway had put aside land specifically earmarked for a pub, but nothing seemed to happen, there was always a reason for it not being built, we were always waiting for someone to want to take it on....

And now it seems as though someone does, and remarkably in the current economic climate that sees pubs closing on a weekly basis it seems that Charlton Down may see the only new pub built in the country this year!

At a recent residents Association meeting to discuss the application, some of the 'observations' recorded were:

  • Lack of access and parking spaces
  • No garden or outside area
  • No smoking shelter
  • Site appears overcrowded
However it seems the main fear is that the developer is to use the 'Pub development' as a smokescreen to get a building up, and then following a few years of 'loss' the pub being classified as a 'non viable' business and the building being changed to houses/flats. The developer though has apparently said that he has no intention of turning the whole site over to housing.

It's good to see from the feedback from the Residents meeting that the majority apparently still want a pub and so lets hope that it goes ahead, though what a great shame that there will be no outdoor garden area, what a shame........

2 Reply to "A pub at Charlton Down?"

  • The 40 Something on 12 March 2009 at 09:32

    I used to live in Charlton Down back in 2002, even back then opposite to where the shop now is there was talk of a pub - it is the only thing any village needs and would make a very welcoming community focus, I did find it a bit insular at times whilst living there, hence why we moved!


    Mark Macdonald on 14 March 2009 at 07:18

    We've lived here for 6 1/2 years now and the place constantly changes and develops. We've also always thought the Pub would bring a focus for the community, such a great shame there's no garden or outdoor area though!
    Follow the blog, I'll keep it updated as news filters through....

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